Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Silent Auction Coming Together

So I spent a few hours yesterday going around soliciting businesses for silent auction bid items. An interesting experience. It's a little difficult walking into a shop or restaurant and asking for charity. I was having trouble working out a concise spiel that would grab an owner's attention, but despite my bumblings I managed to get a really positive response, overall.

Almost every place I went in seemed enthusiastic and promising, and one place (La Marmotte, a fantastic French restaurant) wrote out a gift certificate right then and there, which was wonderful. Some other places were a bit more noncommittal and there were several that didn't have someone available to talk to me, so I just left a short summary with my card. There were two places that rejected me flat out and wouldn't even take my little piece of paper, which was a bit shocking, but still, I understand. I'm sure they're always being asked to give things away for nothing, especially after the whole Valley Floor thing (massive eminent domain fund raising project completed this past spring).

There are still more places to try and I'm hopeful that I can get approximately 20-25 items for the auction and try to raise at least $500, plus what Tommy's brings in on drinks. It turns out that the Turkey Creek Ramblers are playing a show in Montrose that day, but that's fine because I've got a commitment from Michael Psarras to play. He's a great singer/guitar player that plays open mic sometimes and plays a regular gig at Las Montanas. It should be a great night, I can hardly wait.

Here's a shot from the top of the hike up the pass in Jackson.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Did you tell the merchants you'll mention them and their URLs here if they donate? And the local news media should take note of them too, as they cover your preparations.

Great photo, by the way. I wish you'd write all about these amazing hikes and ski treks you've already done!