Saturday, August 18, 2007

And.....We're Back

Okay, problem solved. I had to get a cab 40 miles up to Des Moines to a bike shop where I bought a whole new wheel. It would have taken too long to get a new hub shipped from the manufacturer and I still would have needed a bike shop to rebuild the wheel with the new hub, so I sucked it up, paid for the cab and the new wheel. Fred and I are both super tired after all the stress, so we'll probably just spend the night here even though we technically could make it to the next town over. With the exception of an amazing radio interview we did with Kristan Gray of KMA in Shenendoah on our first day, Iowa has not been kind to us. The roads here are atrocious and the drivers are the worst this side of Boston. That being said, all the people we've met off the bikes, including my taxi driver, have been wonderful. But Iowa roads are not cycling friendly.


Paula said...

Sorry you've had so much mechanical and road trouble. But hey, so did Lewis and Clark, and they had no roads!

Unknown said...

Hello my dear!

1. Congrats on your journey so far. Your troubles are unfortunate but your determination will supersede. Go go go!

2. My glass of wine tonight is being drunk in your honor.

3. Could all of the following possibilities happen simultaneously?
a. You stop in southern PA.
b. Your stop in southern PA happens on a weekend.
c. Your weekend stop in southern PA is also one of your chosen rest days?

4. I've just read a book with a lot of bullet point lists and I think it wore off on me.


Lisa said...

Matty, you're all by yourself again? Just read Fred's blog.
